Annual Budget
The Center for Prevention Services continues to expand its scope of services and support through quality, evidence-based approaches to reducing substance use across the region.
As of 2024, CPS operates an annual budget of over $4M which invests in prevention programming efforts throughout Charlotte and Central North Carolina.
As a 501(c)3 organization, Center for Prevention Services is committed to transparency and efficiency in its use of funding for prevention work. Below are Form 990s and Financial Statements:
FY 2022: Form 990 | Annual Financial Statements
FY 2021: Form 990 | Annual Financial Statements
Funding Sources
The Center for Prevention Services receives funding from State and Federal Grants, local grantors and foundations, and private donations. Some of these major programs include:
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services: Drug Free Communities Grant
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services: Partnership for Success Grant
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Mecklenburg County Opioid Settlement Funding
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CPS is also supported by a number of other funding sources to advance prevention and harm reduction work in our six county catchment area, including Mecklenburg, Union, Stanly, Rowan, Cabarrus, and Davidson counties.
Donor Policy
The Center for Prevention Services is committed to honoring the privacy and the wishes of our supporters at all times. We collect and maintain only personal information that is specifically and knowledgeably provided to us by individuals or their companies. We will never rent, exchange or sell information of our contributors. We will only share personally identifiable information with a third party if we are required to by law or when necessary for completing an authorized operation, for instance to process a credit card transaction, or if the person submitting the information asks that it be shared. We do maintain records of our contributors, which we regard as private and confidential and store securely with access limited to authorized staff.
If you provide us with contact information, we may contact you for additional information or send you updates about how donations are being put to use in our community. You can contact us to restrict our use of your contact information at any time.