We are dedicated to supporting youth and families in Charlotte, NC, through effective substance use prevention and harm reduction services. Stay tuned for updates, resources, and insights as we work together to build healthier, safer communities.
Marching Toward Change: March News

New Year, New Opportunities!

Community Town Hall: Strengthening Mental Health and Behavioral Health Access

Professional Townhall: A Collective Push for Behavioral Health Progress

The Latin American Festival

Alianza in East Charlotte

La Noticia amplifica el mensaje “Hablalo. Guárdalo!™” con Alianza!

Talk It Up. Lock It Up!™ Keeping alcohol away from youth.

Support Our Youth: Submit Public Comment to Behavioral Health Strategic Plan
This month, Mecklenburg County released its draft of the new Behavioral Health Strategic Plan, and has provided an opportunity for county residents to share their voice through public comment.
There are many strengths in this plan, and we applaud the county's efforts to hold engagement meetings with the community to gather feedback. However, the plan does appear to lack specific language that we believe is critical to behavioral health in the county.
We now ask that you submit public comment to share your concerns with the county to ensure the plan reflects the needs of our community. Read the blog post to learn more and take action!

Session 2 Mi Vida Quince Video and photos!
Check it out! The Alianza Coalition, in collaboration with the The Center for Prevention Services (CPS) hosted a second alcohol-free community Quinceañera to celebrate the culturally important coming-of-age event while also promoting healthier and safer celebration choices within the Latino population in Charlotte. See photos and videos for this great event!

See Mi Vida Quince Video and photos
The Alianza Coalition, in collaboration with the The Center for Prevention Services (CPS) hosted an alcohol-free community Quinceañera to celebrate the culturally important coming-of-age event while also promoting healthier and safer celebration choices within the Latino population in Charlotte.
A Quinceañera is a bright spot on every fifteen-year-old Latina girl’s calendar, celebrating the transition from childhood to adulthood. Alianza and CPS aim to provide a free community venue for a traditional event and its gowns and crowns while closing the door on riskier Quinceañera traditions like underage alcohol use.
See the video below for this great event!

Watch Alianza youth perform "La Otra Calle" with photos from the teatre
This past month, Alianza youth performed a bilingual play, “La Otra Calle”. [Watch Video!] La Otra Calle is an original bilingual play based on the writings, talks, and ideas of a group of Latino youth in the Charlotte area. The play is the result of a series of theater and writing classes provided by the Center for Prevention Services and the Alianza Coalition.

"Mi vida quince" hace más noticias: Nuevo video y fotos de Progreso Hispano News
El programa "Mi Vida Quince", patrocinado por Alianza, apareció recientemente en las noticias de Progreso Hispano con un video.
El artículo describe cómo el evento patrocinó a mujeres latinas jóvenes entre las edades de 14 y 17 años para participar en actividades de prevención del uso de sustancias y también cubrió los costos de su fiesta de quinceañera.

La Otra Calle: Jovenes desarrolan creatividad, confidencialidad y conciencia de sí mismos.
El Centro de Servicios de Prevención (CPS) y su Departamento Latino Alianza en esta ocasión están usando el arte dramaturgo como herramienta para enseñar prevención.
Con la colaboración de Irania Macias, directora, escritora de Obras y maestra de Teatro se impartieron clases por más de 3 meses, recolectando historias de los participantes, reflexiones hasta llegar a producir LA OTRA CALLE.

Alianza’s Quinceañera program featured on Progreso Hispano News
Alianza’s Quinceañera program was recently featured on Progreso Hispano News. The program provides resources to families and young women making their quiñceneara to encourage youth to celebrate this milestone drug-and alcohol-free.
Interested families and young women (ages 14-17) are encouraged to register. They will receive dance classes, preventive education talks and more. If you wish to register, call Diana Martínez at 704-375-3784 EXTENSION 4666.
El programa de quinceañeras de Alianza apareció recientemente en Progreso Hispano News. El programa brinda recursos a familias y mujeres jóvenes que hacen su quiñceneara para alentar a los jóvenes a celebrar este hito sin drogas ni alcohol.
Se anima a las familias y mujeres jóvenes interesadas (de 14 a 17 años) a registrarse. Recibirán clases de baile, charlas de educación preventiva y más. Si desea registrarse llame a Diana Martínez al 704-375-3784 EXTENSIÓN 4666.

What to know about prescription drugs
When was the last time you thought about talking to your teens about what’s in your medicine cabinet? If you haven’t had this conversation, you may want to think about having it soon. According to the most recent Youth Drug Survey, roughly 1 in 4 youth have a medication prescription, while 6.5% report using a prescription medication without a prescription. To put that into perspective, that equals almost 1 in every 10 youths using prescription medication illegally. It is also important to note that most youth (46.1%) reported to have obtained these prescription medications from their parents.

Marijuana: Short-Term and Long-Term Effects
When they are in the moment, many teens may not think about the long-term and/or short-term risks associated with smoking marijuana. As it seems, the drug has become increasingly accessible to younger people, and according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, teenage marijuana use is at its highest level in 30 years—so much so that teenagers today are more likely to use marijuana than tobacco! According to Alianza member Lina, “it is really common to hear classmates talk about marijuana. No one is really shocked anymore when they hear about someone smoking it.”

Marihuana: Un Problema Creciente
¿Sabías que el consumo de marihuana entre los jóvenes latinos ha sido un problema creciente? De acuerdo con el Youth Drug Survey (Encuesta sobre Drogas entre Jóvenes) más reciente, el 20.1% de los jóvenes latinos de la escuela secundaria informó haber usado marihuana en los últimos 30 días, ¡eso es 1 de cada 5 niños! La mayoría de los jóvenes latinos que informaron haber consumido marihuana en los últimos 30 días lo hicieron a través del hábito de fumar. A continuación se muestran otros métodos en los que los jóvenes latinos consumieron marihuana.

Quick Facts/Hechos Breves: Alcohol
¿Qué tan grande es el problema del alcohol entre la población de jóvenes latinos? Eche un vistazo a estos datos: como se indica en el Youth Drug Survey (Encuesta sobre Drogas para Jóvenes) más reciente (2020), el alcohol ha surgido como la principal sustancia consumida por los jóvenes, con un 14,6% de los jóvenes en los grados 6, 8, 10 y 12 que informan el uso dentro de los últimos 30 días. Los datos muestran la gravedad del problema; casi uno de cada siete jóvenes latinos consume alcohol. Sorprendentemente, según esta encuesta, la edad promedio de inicio para los jóvenes latinos que informan sobre el consumo de alcohol es a los 14 años. De estos jóvenes que informaron sobre el consumo de alcohol, más de un tercio informó que obtuvieron el alcohol de sus padres o de su hogar.

Háblalo, Guardalo!
¿Cómo almacena el alcohol y los medicamentos recetados en su hogar? ¿Sabías que la mayoría de los jóvenes acceden a estas sustancias desde su propia casa? ¡Hay formas de prevenir esto!