Talk It Up. Lock It Up!™ Keeping alcohol away from youth.

Did you know that 2 out of 3 youths report alcohol is easy to get from their home or the home of a friend or relative? (Talk It Up. Lock It Up!™)

Center for Prevention Services and Alianza are working together with the NC Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative (NC PUDI) to encourage adults and caretakers to begin the conversation about alcohol and keeping their alcohol secure.

To help families, CPS and Alianza are giving free cabinet and alcohol bottle locks. Contact us to learn more on how to get a free lock and tips on how to begin the conversation at home.

Tips to get started in your home:

  1. Put alcohol in a safe area and keep it locked.

  2. Count bottles or keep track of what you have.

  3. Keep no more alcohol in the refrigerator than you would drink in one sitting. For example, if you drink two beers a day, keep only two in the fridge at a time.

  4. It is never too late to start a conversation about avoiding substance use with the youth who are important to you.

Call or text (980) 819-0665 or press the button to send us an email!


La Noticia amplifica el mensaje “Hablalo. Guárdalo!™” con Alianza!


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